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SAHA Istanbul Defence and Aerospace Cluster Association was established with the aim of producing high value-added technological products and to guide our companies in aerospace industry, to inform and guide them to create consortiums, thus increasing our national production capability and capacity.
ARUS, which has set itself the main goal of producing domestic and national brand rail transportation systems from design to the final product in our country and making its members to a global brand, brings the leading institutions and companies of the rail industry together and undertakes the task of producing National brands, providing cooperation and collaboration in sector.
International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA) founded in 1974, which aims are: to encourage the use of the subsurface for the benefit of public, environment and sustainable development and to promote advances in planning, design, construction, maintenance and safety of tunnels and underground space, by bringing together information thereon and by studying questions related thereto.
The Turkish Tunnelling Society (TTS) aims to advance the knowledge of the Turkish Tunnelling Industry through areas of design, construction of underground spaces, metro tunnels, sewerage tunnels, water tunnels, including technical aspects, excavation, support, health and safety, and ecologically sustainable development.
RAYDER is an association that industrialists and academics take part whom are producing vehicles/products/engineering/services for the railway industry. RAYDER works towards the; organization of the Railway industrialists, solutions of the problems they encounter, creation and development of railway standards that considers the country’s conditions, the product certification of its members, and their presentation in Turkey and abroad.